Hola Chicas! I am back from Mexico and ready to start blogging! This is my first time blogging, so be gentle with me. So, yes, back from a long weekend in San Jose del Cabo with Andy. You will not be surprised to hear that all day people at work were saying, "Oh my God I can't believe how tan you are!" Even though I swear I used SPF 30 every half hour, I now look like George Hamilton, minus the gelled hair and snazzy suit. We were at an all-inclusive resort and took full advantage! Emphasis on the full -- I should never eat again. Why can't I restrain myself at a buffet? WHYYYYY????
Actually the worst incident of gluttony took place when we left the resort and ventured into town -- they were celebrating an annual fiesta, complete with rides, booths, and... churros! I bought a bag of 5, but when I pulled one out, another was attached - no problem for the large mouthed! Andy snapped the attractive photo.
And now that we're back, I have become a widow to March Madness. It really IS madness I think. Having gone to school in Canada (a little EBM trivia for those outside the 5 who happen to be reading), I can't understand the hysteria. But Andy is all over it. Sent out his pool, and taking this Thursday afternoon off to go to Sacramento to watch GW play.
In other news, the Reverends visit this weekend - an unprecedented visit without any work-related activities attached; they're just coming to visit. It marks another in a string of visitors we're having this spring - saw Melinda and Jeff last month, which was great!! Samantha & Molly Mandell are coming out next weekend; then Mary and Anna are visiting in April, and then Andy's mom & her beau Pat come in May, as do Jesse & Stephen and Katy & Ann Elizabeth Montgomery. I hope they like house hunting! Kate, you'll have to give them all pointers for how to be a good quasi realtor. We've bid, and lost, on three houses, and I am ready to win!! There are some cute ones in great SF neighborhoods - we just have to act fast.
YEAH! Erica, your holiday sounded fun! But your pix did not show up for some reason... And lots of great visitors is always good times! Thanks for sharing (send more pix!) I can't wait to come visit you one of these days.
I wanna see teh Churro pic! I can imagine our dark tanned ethnic friend was out in full force! I can't wait to GBW!
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