Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dressing Room Wrestling...Game On

It begins girls. As you all are well aware I have an addiction to buying bathing suits likened only in intensity to a cocaine problem. The faintest glimpse of a bathing suit section in a store, catalogue or online and I'm uncontrollably salivating feeling myself pulled there with some giant invisible magnet.

Being in London now (during my time of exile) there are SOOO many shops and I've been surrounded by the bright colors, fun patterns and great accessories. I've nearly had to call Cat twice from a store to ask her to talk me down. "Put the suit down Kate you don't need it!...It will only bring you pain!"

Now if I had the supermodel body I would feel justified in buying thousands of suits as I could run around anytime I wanted in one of these things and feel justified - why not I look good! HOWEVER...not the case. Bathing suits hold such fascination for me on the rack and make me believe I would look good in them. This is where I have hysterical memory loss about my own body. What the hell I know what I look like, where do I become do delusional that I think my body has magically morphed into Heidi Klume and I should don a bright yellow string bikini?

So this inevitably leads to me dragging 16 suits into a dressing room and being stunned when the bathing suite looks like shit and then triggering me to feel like shit and go eat 25 baguettes. nice.

I currently own 12. Yes girls 12!!! That's just ridiculous for someone who #1 lives in Holland the land of friggin bad weather and access to the frigid North Sea, and #2 goes to the beach once a year!

However our planned summer vacay to Cape Cod has rallied a kind of bathing suit hysteria that is until now unmatched. I am rabid. Everywhere I look I see them - I LOVE them - and my baguette count is getting dangerously high.


Cat said...

Ha -- you go girl! I think handbags are to me what swimsuits are to you....and the best part about that is I can carry all my baguettes IN my handbags....

Anonymous said...

How pathetic is it that when I packed for Mexico I realized that I owned the same swimsuit from 5 years ago?!?!? Kate, bring all of yours to the Cape for the needy!!

Molly said...

I'm with you Erica. If you like what I wore on GBW 2003, you're gonna love what I'll wear this year...